How Often Should a Landlord Inspect Rental Property in Charlotte, NC?

How Often Should a Landlord Inspect Rental Property in Charlotte, NC?

Around 65.9% of North Carolina residents own their homes. The rest live in rental properties. While that leaves many people needing rental properties, you must choose the right tenants.

Did you know you'll have better luck finding great tenants if you offer great rentals? Good tenants look for nice properties. That means you'll need to perform routine rental property inspections.

These inspections help you know what the units need. They also ensure you take the proper steps to offer nice units.

Continue reading to learn how often you should conduct these inspections.

When Tenants Move Into Units

You should perform inspections for rental properties each time a new tenant moves into a unit. You can do this alone before handing over the keys to the tenant. You can also perform the walkthrough with the tenant.

This inspection offers an opportunity for you to evaluate the unit's condition. You can make notes about its condition and the work it needs.

When Tenants Move Out

A rental home inspection is standard when a tenant moves out. But if you don't have time to do this, it might be a sign you need to hire a property manager.

Most rental units will need some work after a tenant vacates. It might be routine work, such as painting or cleaning. It could also need major work, like cabinet replacement.

Inspections can be especially important when tenants move out after having pets. Allowing pets has benefits, but one drawback is the damage they can do.

When Tenants Fail to Pay Their Rent

Next, you'll need to look at the North Carolina landlord-tenant laws to ensure you comply. Fortunately, NC allows landlords access to units whenever they deem necessary.

As a common courtesy, you may give your tenants notice before inspecting. While NC landlord inspection laws don't require it, offering 48-hour notice is a good idea.

When tenants don't pay their rent, you can inform them that it's due. You can also let them know that you need to inspect their unit.

Tenants not paying rent on time might be breaking other lease rules. Therefore, inspections are smart in these situations.

Twice a Year for Maintenance

You have landlord rights to inspect a property as needed, but using a schedule is wise. In most cases, performing inspections twice a year is sufficient.

Some tenants will live in their units for years. You won't be able to keep up with the maintenance and repairs if you wait to perform inspections when they move out.

During semi-annual inspections, you can perform maintenance issues. For example, replace smoke detector batteries and replace furnace filters.

Additionally, make notes about problems you see. Look at the plumbing, electrical, flooring, and cabinets. Then, you can plan when to perform the work the units need.

Perform Routine Rental Property Inspections

Routine rental property inspections are essential if you own rental properties. They help you learn what the units need. They also help you perform the necessary tasks to improve a property's condition.

Do you need help performing these or with other property management tasks? We can help. Learn more about our services by contacting us at PMI Amazing Spaces in Charlotte, NC.
